7P notes: Huion Inspiroy 2 L (H1061P)
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I tested this tablet for about a week and since its introduction have periodically drawn with it. It is good decent tablet and the buttons and scroller are features. It's drawing performance is the same as the other this generation Huion PenTech 3.x tablets.
I think it is a decent choice, but as of 2025 I hope Huion ships an upgrade that uses PenTech 4.0 with the PW600 pen which should give a very good drawing experience.
This tablet comes with the Huion PW110 pen.
The tablet is compatible with several pens in the PenTech 3.x series, not just the one it came with.
PW517 (I tested)
PW550 (I tested)
As for all PenTech 3.x devices, I recommend purchasing the PW550 pen to use with this tablet because it is provides a superior drawing experience.
Huion puts L in the name of this tablet to identify. It is the "large" version in the Inspiroy 2 series, but it is not large in the absolute sense when compared to other tablets.
However this tablet is close to size to medium tablets like the Wacom Intuos Pro medium (PTH-660)
It is nowhere close to the true large size of something like the Wacom Intuos Pro Large (PTH-860) or the Huion Inspiroy Giano G930L.
The tablet does NOT support wireless connectivity. It must be connected with USB cable.
I really enjoyed the flexibility of how the buttons work with the group keys. Even though there are 8 buttons, with the three group keys, you get effectively 8x3 = 24 buttons.
All pens have have a bit of instability/wobble at low pressure. See: Pen pressure instability at low pressure
Originally, the units (I have 2 units of this tablet) I have showed a bit more of this effect compared to my Wacom Intuos Pro with the Pro Pen 2. I didn't notice it in normal drawing. Based on other user's comments, not all units seem to exhibit this problem, but certainly some do.
Firmware updates have improved it.
See this thread for some history on this topic: https://www.reddit.com/r/huion/comments/165acwt/extremely_unstable_pen_pressure_sensitivity_on_a/
This is one of those effects (again that all tablets have) that shows up under a specific set of circumstances and not something you will run into regularly. If you do see it there are techniques to control it: Troubleshoot low pressure drawing problems