Configure Windows Ink in the tablet driver
Global and Application specific configuration
You can configure driver's use Windows Ink:
For all applications
For specific applications
This allows you to have a baseline configuration and then modify the behavior for specific applications as needed.
In general for the tablet driver I recommend:
Enabling Windows Ink for all applications
Disabling Windows Ink for specific applications that need it.
Every driver has a different way of configuring it in their UI:
Wacom: Wacom Tablet Properties > Application
Huion: The drop-down with the gear icon at the top.
OpenTabletDriver: N/A - OTD does not support per-application Windows Ink configuration
Wacom Driver > Wacom Tablet Properties
Open the Wacom Tablet Properties app
Under Tool select your pen
If you have a pen tablet, go to the Mapping tab.
Or if you have a pen display, go to the Calibrate tab.
Set Use Windows Ink to turn on or off Windows Ink in the driver
Wacom Driver > Wacom Center
Huion Driver > Huion Tablet app
Open the HuionTablet app
Navigate to Digital Pen
Under Press Key, set the Enable Windows Ink to turn on or off Windows Ink in the driver
XP-Pen driver > PenTablet App
Open the PenTablet app
Navigate to Digital settings
Set the Windows Ink to turn on or off Windows Ink in the driver
Xencelabs Driver
NOTE: To see the Windows Ink option, you have to install the OTD Windows Ink plug-in first.
Last updated