Copying tablet driver setting to another computer

Some brands (Huion and XP-Pen) and maybe let you export and import driver configurations across computers.

The settings won't "travel" with the device.

However there is a way which should simplify getting consistent settings across multiple devices.

Overall steps

In the driver, export the settings to a file

Copy that file to another computer that has the driver installed.

Then import the settings into the nee driver.

In the Huion driver, click on the gear icon, then navigate to the Backup tab.

Then click Export to save your settings to a file (the file extension will be .cfg)

Then go to another machine with the driver, bring the cfg file to the new machine, and from the same place in the driver click Import and load that cfg.

Exporting and importing driver settings for Huion

In the Huion driver, click on the gear icon, then navigate to the Backup tab.

You will see Export and Import buttons

Exporting and importing driver settings for Huion

Click the

Last updated