7P notes: XP-Pen Artist Pro 16 GEN2 (MD160QH)
In summary this is a very nice tablet. Wacom Cintiq Pro models are still better (and cost MUCH more) but this tablet is good overall and I have enjoyed using it. As of July 2024, this is my top pick for a mid-range-cost 16" pen display.
I like the overall design. Looks and feels very premium.
XP-Pen logo on bottom of tablet. It's present and visible without being obtrusive.
The tablet comes with the the new XP-Pen X3 Pro Pen. It is incredibly similar in shape to the Wacom Pro Pen 2. The pen handles pressure very well and has an eraser. More here: XP-Pen X3 Pro pen
Native resolution - 2560x1600. This is big improvement over an HD (1920x1080) screen at this size.
Refresh rate - 60Hz. TYPICAL. Normal for pen displays.
Sharpness - GOOD. The AG treatment does not add any blurriness.
Parallax - GOOD. Little visible parallax.
Aspect Ratio - 16:10. It is a little more squarish than the much more common 16:9 aspect ratio. After using it for a few days, I actually like the 16:10 aspect ratio. To me it makes the tablet feel a little larger than it is.

MacOS - Some people tell me MacOS has more challenges running at resolutions like the one this tablet uses. I'm not a MacOS expert so I suggest you research this more.
Connections and cabling
Single USB-C cable connection?
YES. I tried the cable that it came with and a Thunderbolt 3 cable. It worked in both cases. More here: Connecting a pen display with one USB-C cable
There are two USB-C ports on the top edge of the tablet. Both ports are recessed into wells.
If you intend to use a 3rd-party USB-C cable, be aware they may not fit into the well.
One minor nit. The USB-C cable connects at the top edge this means you see the cable connect. This is normal for pen displays these days. But it does make the device a little less elegant.
3-in-1 cable
If you need to connect via HDMI you will need a 3-in-1 cable from XP-pen.
When I bought the tablet in - this cable was s NOT provided in the box.
However now it seems that XP-Pen is shipping the tablet with the 3-in-1 cable.
Before you purchase verify if you are getting the 3-in-1 cable if you need it.
I contacted XP-Pen support and they indidcated that this compatible 3-in-1 cable: https://www.xp-pen.com/store/buy/3-in-1-cable-for-artist-2nd-gen-series-display.html
Pointer lag
TYPICAL. Normal for a pen display. A Cintiq Pro has slightly less lag.
Corner accuracy
VERY GOOD. Compared to other tablets has very minor inaccuracy at edges and corners. Matched XP-pens stated accuracy numbers.
Diagonal wobble
RATING: OK. very slightly increase in wobble is slow strokes. Totally acceptable. A little brush smoothing eliminates it..

YES - It has two foldable legs on the back allow it to be propped up at an angle. However, I just use a spare HUION stand for a better angle.
Express Keys
VESA mounting
This tablet does NOT support the VESA mounting standard.
Thicker toward the top
Thinner toward the bottom
The bottom edge rolls off a bit making it a bit nicer for you hand or arm to rest on that edge.
Audio features
None. No speakers. No headphone jack.
This tablet does NOT support touch.
Felt cool (room temperature) to the touch at 100% brightness.
Cool on the right side. On the left side it was slightly warm.
Completely silent.
The tablet has no fans.
The tablet comes with a remote with programmable keys.
Tilt compensation
Tilting the pen within the supported tilt range did not significantly alter the pointer position. It remained close to the tip. I tried this with 3 different X3 Pro pens and got the same result.
In one of the photos you may notice a slight separation between pointer and tip, I think this is mostly due to the position calibration of the pen and not so much the tilt.

I have heard a few comments on my YouTube channel indicating that some people found very bad tilt compensation. So far I believe if there is an issue it is only with a small number of defective units.
Anti-glare treatment
This tablet uses an etched glass surface instead of an AG film.
It does a very good job of glare reduction. It is on par with the Huion Kamvas Pro 19 and a bit more glare reduction than the Cintiq Pro 22.
Pixel sharpness
Pixels are clear and well-delineated.
Slightly sharper than my Cinitq Pro 22
Noticeably sharper than my Huion Kamvas Pro 19
Stand options
XP-pen recommends the ACS05 stand. I'm not a fan of that type of stand.
I think the AC41 stand woudl work better.
In my testing I used the stand that came with the Xencelabs Pen Display 16 which is very similar to the AC41.
Last updated