7P notes: XP-Pen Artist 13 GEN2 (CD130FH)


Decent tablet. Not the ultimate drawing experience but I think it will server a lot of people well and is a good beginner tablet.



  • X3 ELITE

Pen tracking

  • Accuracy in edges and corners is good.

  • XP-pen lists accuracy as:

    • center ±0.5mm

    • corner ± 2mm

  • I agree with XP-Pens accuracy numbers

Diagonal wobble

EXCELLENT. very little wobble. at all stroke speeds.

These are 10cm lines - each drawn over 4 seconds. V

Anti-glare sparkle

Amount of AG sparkle is at the LOW end of MODERATE

I didn't find the sparkle distracting. And I don't notice it at my normal eye distance when drawing.

It has more sparkle than the Wacom One (DTC-133) but less than the Huion Kamvas 13.

For both tablets you'll notice the sparkle if your eyes are close, at a normal drawing distance I don't notice it.

Drawing Experience

These things worked well

  • drawing lots of dots

  • drawing many small quick tiny low pressure lines - hatching

  • keeping pressure constant

  • moving between high and low pressure smoothly

  • Line Tapering - typical .

Pressure range

  • Remember:

    • Pressure is detected by the pen, not the tablet.

    • Pens even of the same model exhibit some variance

  • XP-pen rates this pen as a 3gf IAF

    • the pen I had seemed to have a little higher IAF than that

    • It didn't bother me, but for those of you who want to draw with the tiniest amount of force this may not be the pen/tablet for you.

Pointer lag

TYPICAL for a pen display - very slightly more than typical. But not by much.


VERY GOOD. The tip of the pointer aligns very closely with the tip of the pen.


3 USB-C ports on the side

Note tha the ports are deeply recessed into wells.

Cables and connections

Comes with a a 3-in-1 cable. Which I didn't use.

Instead I my own Thunderbolt 3 cable.

because the USB-C ports are in deep wells, my TB3 cable has ends that are too thick to fit in the well. I had to chop away some plastic to make it fit.

Using a single-USB-C cable

This works. I was able to use it with a single USB-C cable

Last updated