7P notes: Huion Inspiroy Frego M (L610)


THIS tablet is still under review.

I like this tablet a lot.

  • A good simple tablet. Nothing fance.

  • Good for beginners.

  • The pen it came with had a wide pressure range. This is good. IAF typical of Huion pens.



This is a medium-sized tablet - with an active area slightly larger than Wacom Intuos Pro Medium (PTH-660).

In terms of paper sizes this is about the size of an A4 sheet of paper.

Build quality and design

Looks very simple and nice. Is very good, but I wouldn't say it has a premium look.

Color - matte black all around

Huion branding - On the front nothing is visible. One the back the Huion logo is very slightly visible as some recessed shiny black plastic..


  • green LED on upper right indicating USB connection

  • blue LED on upper right indicating Bluetooth operation


Other compatible pens

  • You can use the Huion PW517 pen with this tablet. But it is not as good as the PW550 and PW550S.

Pen pressure

  • IAF - The specific pen I had seemed to have a typical IAF (I am not good at measuring) for a Huion PenTech 3.0+ pen. It seemed to be near 3gf as Huion stated.

  • Max pressure - The max pressure of the PW550S that came with the tablet was very high - about 735gf.

  • Nib - The included PW55S had a felt nib installed by default.

  • Pressure response - typical - bows up a bit.

Pointer lag

VERY LOW - Typical for a pen tablet. Just a tiny tiny bit more lag than a Wacom.


NONE. This tablet does NOT support touch.

Auxiliary inputs

The tablet has not buttons dials or sliders.

Replaceable surface

No. The surface is not replaceable.

Surface texture

Very textured surface. Combined with the felt nib, it has a lot of texture. Even with the plastic nib the texture was strongly present.

In comparison, the Huion Frego is one of the most textured pen tablets I've encountered. It also has a lot of friction on the surface. It fells like it has even more texture than a Wacom Intuos Pro (PTH-x60 series) which is widely known as having a heavily textured surface.

Texture sound - Moving the pen (with the felt nib installed) across the surface also produces a clearly audible scratching sound. You may or may not like that. I prefer my tablets essentially silent.

Texture longevity - my experience with the texture on the Wacom Intuos Pro is that (1) the texture can really eat through nibs if you are drawing on them in certain ways. (2) the texture will wear down over time leaving "glossy" areas on the tablet which still work perfectly but have lost their texture. Only time will tell if the Frego will exhibit the same behaviors.

Cables and connections

Wireless - yes supports wireless via Bluetooth. I did not test this.

Ports - a single USB-C


  • Bottom edge slops down a bit to make it more comfortable for your arm

Diagonal wobble

EXCELLENT - almost no perceptible diagonal wobble.

As is typical for EMR pens, I recommend a pressure surve to reduce the sensitivity at the low end of the physical pressure range.

Pressure transition (low-high-low)

VERY GOOD. test with a 300px brush. Pressure smoothly transitions. A little bit of pressure wobble at the extreme low end of pressure - but that is normal even for the best pens.

Pressure scan rate testing


  • I drew 50 small strokes as fast as I could. The tablet registered all 50 strokes.

Other features

Pen holder - a cloth loop affixed on the top edge serves as a convenient pen holder.



PW550S. I put red tape on the pen so I can track it in my inventory

Last updated