These are my notes on the things to look at when I evaluate a tablet. This is a work in progress and evolves over time.
These are the quick summary highlights.
Model number
Active Area - dimensions and diagonal size
Release year
Key interesting points
Any manufacturer videos
Product page
User manual
Display size - should be same as active area
Display resolution
Aspect ratio
Response time
Max refresh rate
Future: see if this can be independently measured
Contrast ratio
Display panel tech: IPS, OLED, etc.
Bit depth
If >8pp clarify if it is using FRC or not
Anti-glare treatment: Etched glass vs AG film
Pen model ID that comes with tablet
What is default nib in pen
Manufacturer stated IAF and max pressure
Measure IAF
I am not good at IAF - so for now leave this out
Measure Max Pressure
Pressure transition at low pressure
Look for instability / pulsing
Accuracy in middle versus corner and edges
Tilt compensation
How does it compare to other tablets?
Does tilt work correctly at edges and corners?
Background: Some tablets use one smoothing algorithm on hover and a different one on drag (when the pen is pressing down) and so the transition between these smoothing algorithms can create a slight jump in pointer position as the pen hits the surface.
Check for any hover-drag transitions that cause pointer movements.
List color modes
Identify which color modes the testing was done under
Dead pixels - did you notice any?
Backlight bleed - take photo in a darkened room
Display sharpness
Are the pixels clear when viewed close up?
How blurry is it compared to other pen displays?
How do you launch the OSD?
Does the OSD respond to touch even if touch is off on the tablet?
Take photos of the OSD screens
List all the ports
How was the tablet connected to your computer and power
Does it support single USB-cable connection
Is the USB-C port recessed?
Does it come with any express keys, dials, etc?
Does the tablet support VESA mounting.
If so, which size is used
If you used it with an monitor arm, identify the arm
Does it come with a stand?
If so,
Identify model number of stand
Does the stand use VESA mounting?
How much wobble does the stand have
Does the stand support height adjustment
Does the stand support tilt adjustment
How does it feel compared to other tablets?
Try with plastic and with felt nib
Does the tablet have legs?
If so, what angle do the legs place the tablet at?
Does the tablet have fans?
At 50% brightness for an hour - how hot does it feel to the touch?
At 100% brightness for an hour - how hot does it feel to the touch?
Are there any noticable hotspots?
Fan Noise
What is the noise experience at 50% brightness?
What is the noise experience at 100% brightness?
Is touch supported? On Windows? On MacOS?
Sound support
Does it have a headphone jack?
Does it have speakers?
Can you use the tablet as a pen display?
If so how would you do that?